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  • Writer's picturePracchi Sachdev

Angry Teen Turning Violent: 10 Red Flags to Watch Out for

Are you the worried parent of an angry teen? You feel your child is showing extreme signs of irritability and frustration. But you ignore it simply because other parents believe it's just a passing phase.

Anger in teens is a natural reaction to any uncomfortable or unpredictable situation. However, if they fail to process their emotions in a healthy manner or if anger starts to interfere with their ability to handle everyday activities, it's time to intervene.

As a parent, it’s important to be aware of the signs of teenage anger and violence. While it’s normal for teens to experience moments of annoyance and frustration, it’s important to identify the warning signs of potential violence before it starts. In this blog, we will discuss 10 red flags to watch out for in an angry teen before things get out of hand.

Is ‘Angry Teen’ a Phase or a Problem

When anger is controlled and processed maturely, it is considered a healthy emotion during adolescence. Most parents find it difficult to deal with their teen, who lashes out in every situation. Adolescence is challenging. They are not only experiencing physical change but are also dealing with hormonal changes. Academic stress, peer pressure, family issues, exam tension, and their personal problems all contribute to their anger episodes.

However much we may try to figure it out, sometimes we fail to see the blurred line between healthy anger and violent anger. Communication between your teen and you is minimal. Their tantrums have taken the form of violent behavior. Many teens find it difficult to control strong emotions. When your teen is angry, he or she may get violent, pick on siblings or friends, hurt themselves, break things, start using drugs, or do something illegal. For parents of a teenager, it is essential to understand the behavioural pattern of your child to be able to help them at the right time.

Undoubtedly, teenagers go through a phase when they interact less, stay annoyed with you or their siblings for longer than usual, and prefer alone time or spending time with friends over family. Still, it is a good idea to keep tabs on their activities and their peer group to make sure they do not enter the problem zone.

Many factors lead to anger issues in teens. Be patient and extend the support your child needs.
Many factors lead to anger issues in teens. Be patient and extend the support your child needs.

Common Factors Contributing to Angry Teen Behaviours

When faced with stress, pressure, or a setback in life, every teenager learns a different way to deal with it. Some teens are better at handling extreme emotions, while others find themselves drowning with no help or support. They may become closed to communication and asking for help. At this stage, it is essential to understand the factors that contribute to angry teen behaviours and make them vulnerable.

Some common factors influencing teen behaviours and responsible for triggering severe anger in teens include:

  • Low self-esteem

  • Peer pressure

  • Victim of bullying

  • Conflict in the family

  • Parents divorce or separation

  • Traumatizing event

  • Abuse in any form - physical, emotional, mental or financial

  • Grief - grieving the death of a loved one or their adorable pet

  • Substance abuse

  • Depression

Angry Teen - 10 Red Flags to Watch Out For

As a parent, it can be hard to tell if your teenager is just acting like a normal teenager or if they have anger problems. It is important to be aware of the red flags that may indicate that your teen is struggling with anger. Some of these things are verbal outbursts, violence toward people or things, being very angry or irritable, and isolating themselves from family and friends. If you notice any of these signs in your teen, it may be time to seek professional help.

But first let’s understand the top 10 red flags you should watch out for:

Unusual changes in behavior

Unusual changes in behavior are one of the most common red flags to look for in angry teenagers. If your teen has become more distant or withdrawn or seems irritable more often than usual, it could be a sign that something is wrong. The changes could be subtle, but it’s important to pay attention to even the slightest shifts in your teen’s behavior.

It’s also important to look for changes in your teen’s attitude and outlook. Have they become more pessimistic or negative? Are they exhibiting signs of depression or anxiety? All of these subtle changes in behavior could be indicators of underlying issues that need to be addressed.

Poor communication

Poor communication is another red flag with angry teenagers. If your teen is not talking much or seems to be avoiding conversations with you, it could be a sign that something is bothering them. It’s important to create an open, honest dialogue with your teen so that any issues can be addressed before they become problems.

It’s also important to listen to what your teen is trying to tell you. Even if they don’t seem to be expressing themselves clearly, there might be an underlying issue that needs to be addressed. Make sure to take the time to really listen to what your teen is trying to tell you and provide them with the support they need.


Another key warning sign to look out for in an irate adolescent is engaging in self-injurious behaviour. Cutting or burning oneself is an act of self-harm that might be a warning indication that your adolescent is going through a lot of mental turmoil and needs assistance. It is imperative that you take your teen's attempts to hurt themselves seriously and give them the help they need to learn how to deal with their feelings in a healthier way.

Talking to your adolescent about the things they do to hurt themselves is also very essential. Ask them why they did what they did, and let them know that you fully understand and support them. It's imperative to have a free-flowing conversation with your teen so they can talk about how they feel and start to heal.

Substance abuse

Abuse of illegal or prescription drugs is yet another key warning sign to look out for in agitated adolescents. If your teenager is drinking or doing drugs, this is a red flag that something is not right in their life, and it should be treated very seriously. Substance abuse is often a sign of a deeper problem, like depression or anxiety, which needs to be treated if the problem is to be fixed.

It is important to have a conversation with your adolescent about their use of illicit substances and to provide them with the necessary assistance. Also, have an open line of communication with your child and empathize with the way they are feeling. It is also crucial to set clear limits and expectations for your adolescent, as well as to offer them the support they need in order to make healthy choices.

Neglecting responsibilities

Neglecting their obligations is another warning sign that you should look out for in furious adolescents. Is your teen skipping school or not putting in the effort to do their homework? Are they not taking part in the pursuits or activities that they previously enjoyed and devoted time and energy to? These are possible indications that something is amiss and has to be fixed as soon as possible.

It is essential to have a conversation with your adolescent about the responsibilities they have and to provide them with the assistance they need in order to get their lives back on track. Be careful to show compassion for their experiences and provide them with the encouragement and support they need to achieve their goals.


Another warning sign to keep an eye out for in angry adolescents is defiance. Does it seem that your teenager is rebelling against you or against other people in authority? It's possible that this is an indication of anger and irritation, both of which need to be handled. It is essential to have a discussion with your adolescent child about the causes of their anger and to provide them with the assistance they need in order to deal with their feelings in a manner that is beneficial to their overall well-being.

In addition to this, it is essential to set reasonable limits and expectations for your adolescent, as well as to offer them structure and direction. Make sure to have an open conversation with your teen so that they can talk about how they're feeling and start to understand why they're so angry.

Risky behavior

When dealing with angry teens, another warning sign to look out for is risky conduct. Is your child engaging in dangerous behaviours, such as speeding, or engaging in activities that might put them in danger? This is a warning sign that your teenager needs help and you should talk to them about it. It is critical that you have a conversation with your adolescent about the motivations behind this conduct and that you provide them with the support they need in order to make better decisions.

In addition, it's important to set clear limits and expectations for your teen and show that you understand how they feel.

Mood swings

Mood swings are another warning sign that you should be on the lookout for in furious adolescents. Does it seem as if your teen's mood is always shifting, and they may go from cheerful to unhappy in a matter of minutes? This may be an indication of an underlying problem with the individual's mental health that needs to be addressed.

This could be a sign that the person has an underlying mental health problem that needs to be fixed.

It is essential to have a conversation with your adolescent about their erratic moods and to provide them with the support they need. Make sure to have an open conversation with your teen so that they can talk about how they're feeling and start to understand why they're so angry.


Isolation is another warning sign that you should look out for in furious adolescents. Is your adolescent no longer interested in spending time with their friends or engaging in activities that they once cherished? This may be an indication that they are struggling inside with a problem that needs to be addressed.

It is essential to have a conversation with your teen about the reasons they are experiencing feelings of isolation and to provide them with the assistance they need in order to reestablish relationships with their friends and family members. Make sure you can talk to your teen so they can talk about how they're feeling and start to understand where their anger is coming from.

Unusual sleep patterns

Another warning sign to look out for in furious teens is the onset of strange sleep habits. Has your teenager been sleeping significantly more or less than normal as of late? There is a possibility that this is a symptom of anxiety or depression, both of which need to be handled.

It is important to have a chat with your child about their sleeping habits and to provide them the assistance they need. Be sure to have an open conversation with your adolescent so that they may discuss their emotions and begin to comprehend why they are feeling furious in the first place.

Taking Necessary Action at the Right Time Can Save You and Your Child a lot of Trouble

A parent needs to know the signs of anger and violence in children in order to protect themselves and their children. You will be able to take the necessary actions to address any concerns before they become a problem if you have a clear awareness of the warning signs to look out for in a furious teenager. Be sure to communicate with your teen in an open and honest manner and provide them with the assistance they need to deal with their feelings in a way that is beneficial to their well-being.

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